When an oscilloscope probe is connected to a power source, the device immediately displays its waveform on the screen. The waveform is a visual representation of the peaks and valleys of the signal. Other products like the meter only show tension. With the display of the waveform in real time, you can quickly calculate its frequency, and look for sauces and peaks of the power supply. This tool is vital for diagnostic work, and not just to determine stress or resistance.
There are many other types of buttons and controls on the face of an oscilloscope. With these controllers it is possible to precisely control the size and shape of the waveform. With practice, it is possible to identify and isolate other signals that may interfere with the circuit being analyzed. For example, you can use the VOLT / DIV knob to rise the height of the waveform and get a better reading of its frequency. This command is on the left side of most open source oscilloscopes.
Open source software has stood out as a viable alternative to proprietary software since its appearance in the 1980s. This type of systems has proven to be not only an ethical solution but also an economic and productive one.
What is open source software?
Open source is the term used to distribute software under a license that allows the user to access the source code. This type of license allows the study and modification of the software with total freedom. In addition, its redistribution is permitted as long as this possibility is by the license terms under which the software is acquired
Advantages of open source
- The central power of open source software is the possibility of sharing, modifying and studying the source code of a computer system. On the other hand, open source promotes collaboration between users.
- This characteristic involves the rapid and varied development of a multitude of tools. For example, the users of a specific program can make personalizations, solve faults or improve basic functionalities thanks to the members of the communities, the forums, etc.
- The open source software belongs to the community, so its development and updates depend mainly on them, thus increasing confidence in the continuity of the program.
Disadvantages of open source
Although the benefits of open source software can be significant, there are also some obstacles that companies must take into account. There is no claim or technical support. The open source programs, in most cases, do not have any company behind that provides support or to which you can make any claim. For example, in case of experiencing some problem, the company would be forced to look for the solution in the community or develop it from the internal ICT department, which can suppose an unexpected cost both economic and productive.
Although the possibility of continuity of the program is a positive aspect, if the system does not have the support of a community, the software can be doomed to disuse. The companies that suffer this type of inconveniences will be forced to acquire a new program with greater acceptance or to the own development of the tool already implemented.